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privacy policy

1. Definition of personal information "Personal information" in this privacy policy means "personal information" stipulated by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and the password for using our services.

2. Acquisition of Personal Information We will acquire personal information properly within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, and will not acquire personal information by illegal means.

3. Purpose of Use The Company uses the acquired personal information for the following purposes.

      (1) Notification of information regarding product shipment, related after-sales services, and new product services in our services

    (2) Responding to inquiries about our services

      (3) Notification of changes to our service terms, etc.

4. Provision to Third Parties Unless required by law, the Company will not provide personal information to third parties (including those outside Japan) without the prior consent of the user. .

5. Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, and Deletion When a user requests disclosure, correction, suspension of use, or deletion of personal information, the Company will, except as required by law, verify the identity of the user, and then delay the request. Disclosure without However, please note that we charge a fee of 1,000 yen for each disclosure of personal information.

6. Contact for Inquiries For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the contact below. E-mail address: info(a) Please change (a) to @ before sending.

7. Privacy Policy We will change this privacy policy as necessary. In addition, if we change this privacy policy, we will display the contents on our website.

[Enacted on May 25, 2021]

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